Honey Badger

  A little Valentine’s Day link-up survey from From Mrs. to Mama. Here’s a little lovefest courtesy of Tadwell 🙂

Taken Ladies
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
I’ve been with Trevor for 2.5 years almost to the day.
2. How did you meet? {What’s your “love” story?}
In short. We met on Match.com. If you want all the lovey dovey, doe-eyed details see here, here, and here... Sorry I droned on about how smitten I am (yes, present tense) 🙂
3. If married, how long have you been married?
We’ve been married for almost a year and a half. Still newlyweds, and we still do embarrassing things that my friends who have been married for a while roll their eyes at. When you do things like spend an entire car ride doing this to each other, it must be love….
4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? 
Our wedding was on the larger size but we both have a lot of family and good friends. We got married at Brookside Gardens in Berthoud, CO and I can’t say enough about how beautiful of a venue and place it is. It was a wonderful day, especially considering it had been cloudy and gross all day, and then literally 25mins before the ceremony, the sun came out, clouds faded away, and it was the perfect evening.

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
Mostly I call Trevor honey… but I also through in Honey Badger (because Honey Badgers don’t give a sh*t 🙂 ) or Doodle. Trevor calls me babe, or Bug. There’s that ladybug reference again…. I can’t help it!!
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
 – Trevor is grounded and rational. He thinks through things from both sides and helps me from going off in 50 different directions. He is so calm and mellow and for this wired, energy freak, he makes me settle down.
-The man can make me laugh. I’m a nerd, goofball, and weirdo. And so is he. He makes the best faces, has a similar sense of humor, and knows how to lighten my mood. If you ever need a good laugh, ask Trevor to be a dog interpreter. I swear the man can narrate everything any animal does.
-From day one I saw how motivated and committed Trevor is to the Air Force. After some of the guys I’ve dated, it was a huge turn on to meet a guy that had a career that he was not only committed to but driven to do well at. Do I wish the hours were shorter and he could be home for dinner every night? Yes. But the way he works, how hard he studies, makes me want to find a job that I want to work that hard at.
7. Tell us how he proposed?
Trevor proposed when he was home visiting me in Colorado. We’d been dating for 6 months and new from the 1st month that we were going to get married. He made me spaghetti, laid out candles everywhere, and got down on one knee when I came home from running an errand. I will always remember the look on his face when he asked me to marry him.
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Sneaky little fellow, sent me flowers while he’s gone on TDY (i.e. a business trip, military style). He’s really sweet and sends me flowers for my birthday and Valentine’s, and sometimes randomly to say “I love you”. Flowers are a special treat up here, and these roses are stunning 🙂
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I think we’re more of movie and relax on the couch. I’m a snuggly person, so I like to make Trevor overheat by cuddling up to him 🙂 We’ve got our Apple TV to download movies and after his long work days, its nice to put on pajamas and spend quality time on a Friday night.
10. Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant other one day.
Man I have a laundry list of things I’d like to do and see with Trevor. I think I’d really like to go to Napa with him, stay in a B&B and have some delicious wine for a few days. I have a dream to go to The French Laundry and eat a decadent over the top meal together.
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine’s Day.
I’m heading to spin class for my Love Spinfest class 🙂 And then I’ll be at my friend’s house enjoying some chocolate and company. The thing about Valentine’s day is, I’ve never spent it with Trevor, and very rarely a boy in general. I love spending Valentine’s day with the girls, it’s all the best things… the girls that make you feel the best, red wine, chocolate, and maybe a chick flick!
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine’s day?
Mmmm, not really. But we have a standing plan to get a couple’s massage when Trevor returns.
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Talk it out, listen to each other, and its ok to not see eye to eye on everything. Trevor and I handle things a lot differently and sometimes you just have to respect how the other person does things. I think every married person will tell you how much work a marriage is, and its true. I always say that when you get married you have a new family member. Family members can fight, get irritated and need time to cool down… but bottom line they are family, you work it out, and you love each other. Trevor is my family, and there will never be a time when he’s not. Work for the love 🙂
14.  Show us a picture of what love means to you.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! Enjoy the time with the people you love and take the time to tell them how much you love them!

Weekly Breakdown

Weekly breakdown:

20120210-000928.jpgTrevor did indeed hit the road… After a failed attempt on Tuesday, good-bye round 2 sent him on his merry way. He is currently in a tropical climate where the poor guy is “hot and sweaty”…. I don’t remember what that feeling is like, so instead of sympathizing, I told him to suck it up 🙂

2. I saw My Week With Marilyn last night. It is FANTASTIC. Please allow me to use every cliché movie critic term. It was enchanting-evocative-enduring… And many other “e” words. Michelle Williams was spectacular. She would walk on-screen and it was like the theater had to pause and really take Marilyn in. Seriously well done and beautiful movie. Two thumbs up.

3. Before said movie I had two friends over for dinner. I managed to hit, no wait, slam myself in the head while opening a wine bottle. I hadn’t even had a drop of alcohol yet and I was already on high alert for embarrassing actions while drinking…. Or in this case while simply holding it. Poor forehead.
20120210-001017.jpg4. I’ve been hanging out with this little Doodle this week. While his mama is at work, I’ve snagged him for a few walks 😉 hey, it’s been above zero for a week!! If I don’t take advantage of this heat wave and get outside I will definitely regret it

5. A heat wave in Alaska in February is anything above zero. It got up to 36 and windows were down, coats were off and there were crazy thoughts running through my mind… Like “well this is shave your legs weather!!”. Crazy I tell ya!

6. Finally, I’m making a Love mix for my spin class next week. Because who doesn’t want to spend Valentine’s day getting sweaty and hopped up on endorphins…. Oh there’s other ways to do that? Mmm.

Hope you had a great week! Get ready for Valentine’s day! Don’t be a hater, you get to drink red wine and eat chocolate… there is nothing bad about that!

Buck Up Buttercup!

This week is what I would call mopey military wife week. Our guys are headed out on a 6 week mission and that leaves our little butts behind in Alaska.

This can lead to several things: over eating, binge drinking, complaining, crying, depression, anxiety, sleepless nights, and sometimes good old-fashioned melodramatic tantrums.

Well at least that’s what I sometimes do. Poor Trevor has gotten me full blast when he calls at 4am my time, because at 9pm his time it made sense. Combine above symptoms with not being a morning person and you better watch out.

But instead of pouting and slowly turning into a hermit, I decided to make a 6 week challenge/bucket list for myself. Six weeks after all is NOT long in military terms. Six months would kick my butt, and a year is just inhumane to do to a person. Believe me, I know that this is essentially the pre-school version of military missions. SO I say, it’s time to put on my big girl pants and enjoy myself.

Side note: I love you honey, I will miss you… but I think you’ll agree, we’ll both be happier if I don’t pine over you every minute of the day. Cause if I did, I would end up like this….

I already have a penchant for red wine and ridiculously animated sing-a-longs. This would NOT be a stretch.

Here we go:
1. Movie night: My Week With Marilyn
2. Buy and refinish a mirror for our bedroom
3. Finish the Bodyrockers 30 day challenge (I started 2 weeks late, so I’m almost done)
4. Make my own Thai Green Curry chicken dish
5. GALentine’s day with my favorite AF ladies
6. Beauty night… face masks, deep conditioning my hair… essentially look as scary as possible

I got the blue ones when I was in Vegas… a colorful addition to my workout wardrobe

7. Time a mile run… see how much I can improve in 6 weeks

8. Watch Meet Joe Black. I have never seen it, but I’m told it is necessary to my existence.

9. Go to restaurant week in Denver (I’m going home for a week! Holllerrrr)
10. Back to blogging… trying for 2-3 times a week

A shout out to those spouses that handle the deployments, long TDYs, and years that are filled with good-byes. Somehow they manage to keep their chins ups, and handle all that the military hands them. As a newbie at this, I sincerely tip my hat to you. And that is the reason for this 6 week absence, I will suck it up, cause you know what, it’ll be over before I know it.

Cookie Swap

When I came across the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap, I wondered if I was a qualified participant. I’m great at following recipes but definitely can’t create them out of thin air.

Thankfully there wasn’t a requirement to make your own recipe, so I turned to another trusted blog that has more than delivered on the recipes I’ve tried.

Enter: Since I finally was able to hunt down Cinnamon Chips in Fairbanks, I was on a real mission to find cookies to use them in. Thankfully TP&TP came to the rescue. I chose not only for the easy ingredient list but also for the epic name, Cinnadoodles 🙂

Check our their recipe and I might also suggest making their Pumpkin Chocolate Cookie Bars. Yum on both counts.

Loved the cinnamon chips, the cinnamon-sugar coating and they were a hit. I gotta say though unlike most cookies I actually liked them better when they were room temp… Not fresh out of the oven 🙂

Hopefully the people I sent my cookies to enjoyed them also! Here were my recipients:

Life of Blyss

Jaima’s Journey

Mere Words of Love

I received two batches so far. One batch from the lovely Diana, she made vegan ginger snaps. They were seriously addictive! I’m not sure what the recipe is but I’m hoping she’ll throw it up on her blog. As a non-vegan she had me singing a different tune!

The other batch I received was from JuJu and she sent me PB cookies with a twist. A Cooking Lite recipe that she changed up by subbing out all the butter for extra virgin coconut oil. They were slightly tropical but still had the peanut butter undertone!

Crossing my fingers that the third batch will make it all the way up here! Thanks again to my cookie bakers and I hope everybody enjoyed the Cinnadoodles!

Golden Ticket

Guys, big news.


The Boswells are getting a puppy!! A Golden Retriever to be specific. I’m pretty much a Mountain Dew can that has been shook 4 million times… that’s how excited I am. Sugar high, and carbonation on crack over here.

We’re in the initial stages of breeder research, and are hoping to find one in Alaska. I can’t imagine how expressive it would be to find a puppy in the Lower 48, fly down, pick him up, only to fly home again. Both costly and the poor little guy probably would have a rough ride. It takes anywhere from 12 to +18hrs to get home sometimes.

I’m already in love…

Reasons we want a Golden:

We love big dogs. Little dogs just don’t do it for me. I want a full body cuddle with my dog, and to feel protected.

Golden’s have high energy and if you know me at all, this is kinda mandatory. I could wear out a 6-year-old. Plus then I have a good running buddy!

Trevor and I don’t mind shedding. We have both grown up and owned dogs that shed like it’s their job. Hence why we purchased the Animal Dyson.

The friendly factor. Our dog will obviously be with us for many, many years and will be part of our family. I have never, not once, heard of a family having problems with their Golden and kids. It would be my worst nightmare to have a dog/baby issue.

They are adorable, trainable, smart, and kind dogs. Case and point, they are guide dogs. There, you can’t argue with leading the blind, injured, or needy.

Look at that face! Is just screams “Take me home, I’ll love you and you’ll love me!!”

All this being said, does anybody have any advice on finding a good breeder? Good or bad experience with using a breeder? Puppy stories are welcome!

I can’t wait to have a little furball again. Beemer was so great and I just need a buddy back ASAP! If we find the right breeder we’re hoping for early/late spring!


Online Dating MO

I love reading around the blog world and peeking into the different stages of people’s lives. From people who are in the throes of redoing their house, to having a baby, to becoming healthier, and of course the dating and wedding scene.

Today I was reading Melissa’s blog and I was thrown back into a little nostalgia of my Match.com days. As I’ve said before, I met Trevor on the good ol internet. Technically speaking I paid a bargain price of 60 bucks to paired up with my 6’3″ drink of water. Money well spent.

But I know that just because it worked for me, doesn’t mean it works for everybody. Having horrible dates, creepy dudes messaging you, and maybe not having the right guy pop up isn’t exactly fun. But just like going to the bars, getting set up on blind dates, its kinda like winning the lottery. You win some, you lose some.

So here’s my two cents. If you have a snub factor going for online dating sites, cause “they’re weird” and “I don’t want to meet my spouse over the internet”, I think you should look at as having a cheat sheet to every person’s character and interests in a bar. Essentially online dating allows you to narrow out the people who will a) bore you to tears b) don’t have similar values and c) you don’t have to see them in person to reject them.

Is it really that easy? No. You can still end up on a date with a complete jerk, or not realize who they really are until you meet them. But chose your own pace. I felt most comfortable moving in stages. I’d trade a few emails with a guy and then if there was some witty or interesting banter happening, I’d send my number. That way we can see if their personality is consistent on the phone with their writing skills. Obviously, writing only gets you so far. Unfortunately I’m sure I freaked several guys out with my sarcasm. Apparently its difficult to tell when I’m kidding. Shhorry 🙂 But at least do a little screening… or you could end up on a date with this:

Cat Lady

If they passed the phone test, then it was on to the dating world. This process could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on how frequently you email or talk. The first guy I went out with, we emailed for a week or so, talked on the phone twice and made a date. I had a heads up of his personality without knowing so much about him that we’re left pushing our food around our plates.

As for my profile, well here it is… Yup, I’m giving you the goods. Judge me!! I dare you! I snagged a hot pilot with it so don’t get to high and mighty on me!

In my own words

for fun:

I love to run! I coached xc and track at Boulder High last year and had a blast hanging out with my team. I absolutely love to cook and obsessively watch the Food Network. I make some mean crab cakes, and my go to item is Chicken Parmesan.

my ethnicity:

Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, and Irish

my education:

I went to CU, Leeds School of Business. While I grew up in Fort Collins, my entire family is a huge group of Buff graduates. I’ve known the fight song since I was 2. I think if you were a Huskers fan, we’d have serious issues 🙂

favorite hot spots:

Hot spots are anywhere with a nice rooftop or patio to sit outside and relax with some amazing food… as far as locations San Francisco, Hawaii, New Zealand, Barcelona, Switzerland, Paris, and of course Colorado

favorite things:

Grey’s Anatomy, Top Chef, anything on the Food Network, hip hop, rock, country, and Mexican food!! I want to try so many restaurants, anything from burrito stands to big splurge dinners!

last read:

Harry Potter series, Cooking Lite, Shape and Self magazine, mystery novels, Diane Mott Davidson books

my pets:

I love big dogs, not little ones that yip! A cat is ok, not plural, but honestly dogs are 40 times better to me

About my life and what I’m looking for

I just graduated school and already love my job. It’s really important to me to find someone who is motivated career wise and is invested in the career.
I love sports and working out. It would be really great to find someone who I can not only go to games with but run a 5k with.
I love my friends and family and consciously try to work them into my busy schedule. I love to spend time with them, and do nice things to surprise them to show that I’m thinking of them. I think it’s really important to appreciate the people in your life and show them how much they mean to you.
Bottom line for me is that I want someone who makes me laugh, can do something active with, and then be completely comfortable around no matter what we’re doing.

oh and I’m extremely sarcastic, in my family, its honestly a language

 Overall, I would recommend it. I know it’s not for everybody though. Maybe its worth the free trial though! So there is my little soap box opinion. Hope you guys are having a great week!

** Ps. We are on Match.com Success Page

Catch Up

I have been MIA for a very very long time. I don’t have much of an excuse really. It’s just sometimes I’m a bit bored with North Pole and then I get antsy, and then I try to run around doing as many things as possible… and one of those things was not the blog. Lame right?

Well since its been a heck of a hiatus let me catch you up as quickly as humanly possible!

I’ve taught a Halloween and Thanksgiving themed spin classes. The playlists included songs like “Ghostbusters” and “Fat Bottomed Girls”. I also wore ladybug wings. But only for Halloween… In retrospect I should have made an Indian headband or a Pilgrim hat… but that just leaves room for improvement next year!

We have officially moved into the darkest month of the year. Currently the sun rises at 10:11am and sets at 3:04pm. Sooo a snippet of sun is kinda all ya get. If you think daylight savings is tough, well I wouldn’t recommend living here!This picture is as 4:07pm last week. Pretty? Yes. Bizarre that is been dark for an hour already? YES.

This cute, curly, love bug went back to his parents. Our friends returned safely from their deployment and so Beemer went back to his real home. I spent that evening fully dressed, winter coat still on, crying in bed. I love dogs. And I really love Beemer. But since they live the closest to us in this Alaskan adventure, I have a visitation rights, and will definitely use them.

We hosted Thanksgiving for the second year in a row. Last year we had 12 adults and two babies. This year we had 17 adults and 3 kids under 3. Whew.

I made two turkeys. Yup. One was 20lbs and the other was about 14lbs. Because apparently a 34lb turkey would not be able to stand up right. I didn’t really think about that until I called the butchers at three different grocery stores and they all but laughed at my gigantor turkey idea. ooops 🙂

Recommendations: I have used Pioneer Woman’s Turkey Brine on three different birds now. It is simple and easy and pretty much guarantees you’ll have a juicy feast. I grab a 3-5 gallon buckets, put a brining bag in it, load in my turkey and poor that beautiful brine in the bag. I like my bucket method because it really submerges the bird. Mine soaked for right around 24 hrs, then I rinse/let my turkey sit in cool water for about 15mins. Patted it dry and then went with Alton Brown’s method for roasting and Real Simple’s recipe.

The Boswell Black Friday excitement went to a new Dyson. My loving husband was helping vacuum on Turkey day and the vacuum broke. So with the glory of $170 off we ordered the Animal Dyson and got free shipping via Amazon. Why did we get the Animal you ask? Well it will be good for sucking up pet hair….

After the Thanksgiving madness, I made my cookies to send out for the Great Blogger Cook Exchange. I sent them out last week and I believe they have now made their merry little way to my matches. I’m anxiously awaiting my cookies!

And finally we arrive right back to the present. Trevor and I constructed our gingerbread house (fruit roll-up roof tiles) and our house has some Christmas cheer 🙂 Tonight I’m going to watch my favorite holiday movie…And hopefully make a bunch of Christmas cookies!

Highs and Lows

If anyone is looking for an easy profession that you have little accountability, I suggest you become a weatherman (weather person) for the Interior of Alaska.

Job Description: Ballpark guess what the weather could be for the day. Odds are in your favor if you use the words “cold”, “freezing”, or the lovely phenomenon that is “ice fog”.

Once you have given the masses a broad idea of what the day will bring you can really narrow things down by giving a wide range of temperature options.

For example:
Today will be freezing cold, cloudy with a chance of sucking your soul out. Expect highs to be between -10-12 degrees (yes -10 can be a high) and lows of -40- -20.

See how that narrows things down?? Twenty degree differences and these guys are sitting pretty! I think anyone that is looking for a career move should capitalize on this amazing opportunity!

So if you guys can’t tell by my subtle sarcasm; chilly weather arrived over a month ago, winter arrived weeks ago, and their good friend Bitter Cold moved in this week.

This picture was taken at 10:20am, just to be clear.

Heading into daylight savings, we are currently clocking in with these hours of “sun”…. sort of 🙂

It’s mandatory to set an alarm in the morning to get up. Without even a hint of the sun coming up, I need an auditory signal to get my butt moving.

Plus this little guy needs to get out…

Beemer is rocking the booties and very stylish green coat now. The booties were busted out when we got snow awhile ago, because otherwise it mats to his curly Q’s and it’s just easier to put on his shoes. The coat is more mandatory when it’s below zero or so.

My outfits have also been ramped up… From earlier this week…

This little ditty was when it was about 5 degrees.

And then this morning, when it was a snowball to the face -18.
Here’s another way to gauge things: Eye Lash Icicles:

Still above zero vs. well below….

I also discovered that if you have mascara on and have to walk the dog, it won’t freeze in an awesome make-up artist kind of way. Instead it will look like you were a crying mess on your morning promenade….

Thankfully Beemer can’t judge me though, because at the end of his walk he has snow barnacles 🙂

But tomorrow is Friday and who knows… maybe tomorrow it will be warm (all above zero temps!).

I’ll be back with a spin playlist for you tomorrow! Sleep Well!

Move Over November

Once November hits it seems as if there is a lot of pressure to get the holidays moving. Halloween wasn’t even over and we had Christmas stuff out. I mean, I live in North Pole, so there are kinda always some Christmas stuff around, but this was full up welcome to the holidays. Source

I kind of already have anxiety about getting my Halloween decorations put away to get on the Thanksgiving bandwagon. Who knew that Thanksgiving had to have its own decorations. Where is my decorative turkey?? Ahhhhh what am I doing with my time?!?!?

So while I have minor panic attacks about being behind on decorative poultry, here are the pesky pumpkins I promised. Yes they are a day late. Deal with it.

My didn’t look that great unlit. It kind of looked like I carved everything I could out of the poor thing… but lit, I think it looks pretty cool 🙂So now as we move into the whirlwind of November to January, I’m putting one thing on my calendar that I know will be fun

The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap 2011The premise is this: sign up. Receive the addresses of three other food bloggers. Send each of them one dozen delicious homemade cookies. Receive three different boxes of scrumptious cookies from other bloggers. Eat them all yourself (or, you know, share. If you want. No judgement either way.) Post your cookie recipe on your blog. See everyone else’s cookie recipes. Salivate. Get lots of great ideas for next years’ cookie swap. Rinse and repeat.

I also have Thanksgiving to gear up for. We’ll be hosting our second feast, and I definitely want a fantastic turkey like last year.

Here we go, Holiday Season 2011!

Winter has Arrived

Its true. It’s here. Today was a balmy 7 degrees out.

Walking Beemer, I decided necessitated long underwear. So not only did I have the opportunity to drag my sorry but around my neighborhood in chilly temps, but I also got to feel extremely sexy doing it. Lucky girl.

Sadly I had to pull in the reigns on how much I could bundle up, because I have, ohh about 50 more degrees of freezing coming my way. Last year this is what I wore when it was -40.

I hope all you Lower 48’s are enjoying your weather. And please excuse me when I offer zero sympathy for your “really cold” days. When you have to plug in your car to keep it from freezing, we can talk 🙂

So while the snow has arrived, and the cold temperatures are only beginning their reign of terror, I warmed up my house by baking and busting out my crock pot.

If you’re interested in some yummy cookies, here’s what I did:

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies by How Sweet It Is

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles by Recipe Girl

(these cookies may or may not make excellent ice cream sandwich cookies. And I may or may not recommend getting the festive Pumpkin ice cream that is currently available!)

But besides stuffing my face with cookies, as I said, I also busted out my crock pot. On the lazy days that the sun isn’t shining (there are many!), and its just to chilly to get the blood moving in my body, the slow cooker will be bearing the weight of dinner entrees.

I decided to figure out an easy Chicken and Dumpling-esque soup. From searching around a little bit I formulated a plan and this is how it went:

Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumpling Soup

4 Boneless Skinless chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces
1 Can of Cream of Chicken Soup
1 Medium Onion, diced
1 Can of Whole Kernel Yellow Corn, drained
2 Tbs Butter
2 Packages of Refigerator biscuits, torn into 1 inch pieces
Chopped Green Onions for garnishing

1. Place the chicken, butter, soup, corn and onion in a slow cooker, and then add enough water to cover.
2. Cover, and cook for 5 to 6 hours on High. 30 minutes before serving, place the torn biscuit dough in the slow cooker. Cook until the dough is no longer raw in the center. Serve with green onions on top!

This is not a traditional dumpling, obviously since we cut a corner on the whole “homemade” front… but for the lazy days that entitle a slow cooker recipe, I wasn’t the least bit upset about it 🙂

Hope you all have a great weekend! Make some cookies, or enjoy your warm weather… or both if you’re lucky!