Buck Up Buttercup!

This week is what I would call mopey military wife week. Our guys are headed out on a 6 week mission and that leaves our little butts behind in Alaska.

This can lead to several things: over eating, binge drinking, complaining, crying, depression, anxiety, sleepless nights, and sometimes good old-fashioned melodramatic tantrums.

Well at least that’s what I sometimes do. Poor Trevor has gotten me full blast when he calls at 4am my time, because at 9pm his time it made sense. Combine above symptoms with not being a morning person and you better watch out.

But instead of pouting and slowly turning into a hermit, I decided to make a 6 week challenge/bucket list for myself. Six weeks after all is NOT long in military terms. Six months would kick my butt, and a year is just inhumane to do to a person. Believe me, I know that this is essentially the pre-school version of military missions. SO I say, it’s time to put on my big girl pants and enjoy myself.

Side note: I love you honey, I will miss you… but I think you’ll agree, we’ll both be happier if I don’t pine over you every minute of the day. Cause if I did, I would end up like this….

I already have a penchant for red wine and ridiculously animated sing-a-longs. This would NOT be a stretch.

Here we go:
1. Movie night: My Week With Marilyn
2. Buy and refinish a mirror for our bedroom
3. Finish the Bodyrockers 30 day challenge (I started 2 weeks late, so I’m almost done)
4. Make my own Thai Green Curry chicken dish
5. GALentine’s day with my favorite AF ladies
6. Beauty night… face masks, deep conditioning my hair… essentially look as scary as possible

I got the blue ones when I was in Vegas… a colorful addition to my workout wardrobe

7. Time a mile run… see how much I can improve in 6 weeks

8. Watch Meet Joe Black. I have never seen it, but I’m told it is necessary to my existence.

9. Go to restaurant week in Denver (I’m going home for a week! Holllerrrr)
10. Back to blogging… trying for 2-3 times a week

A shout out to those spouses that handle the deployments, long TDYs, and years that are filled with good-byes. Somehow they manage to keep their chins ups, and handle all that the military hands them. As a newbie at this, I sincerely tip my hat to you. And that is the reason for this 6 week absence, I will suck it up, cause you know what, it’ll be over before I know it.

It’s Spin Awhile

This is my last week of spin before I have some vacation time, so I’ve hunted down new music to make my class really work! If you need some new workout tunes, these are some old and new favorites…. Now go out, get in a spin class, a Jingle Bell run, or hop on the elliptical! Don’t gain, just maintain during the rest of the holidays…

Warm Up:
I Want You to Want Me – Save Ferris (3:26)
Don’t Stop – Foster the People (2:56)

DJ Us Falling in Love (3:40) Surges and Cadence: Focus on 80-90% effort for the surges, and then return to a steady, quick pace
:40-1:12, 1:44-2:16, 2:56-3:36
Enjoy the Silence (4:15) Climb
Tonight is the Night (3:10) Running Flats. Stand up, and pick up the pace for this flat run.
:48-1:04, 1:36-1:52, 2:16-3:04
Tune the Levels – Germany Mashup (4:07) Interval Ladder
10off -20sprint 10off -30sprint 10off -40sprint 10off – 30sprint 10off – 20sprint
Sunday Bloody Sunday (4:42) Climb
Blackout (3:30) Sprints
:27-:43, 1:07-1:38, 2:28-3:29
Sinnerman (4:35) Cadence. Pick a fast and a little uncomfortable pace. Hold on to that pace the whole song
On the Floor (3:51) Circuit. Rotate every 20s, adding tension every other move. Sitting, Standing, standing climb, hover.
Kiss (3:46) Cadence and then transition to the hover position for the choruses.
Kung Fu Fighting (3:35) Running Flats
:52-1:23, 1:57-2:29, 3:05-3:29
Jump That Rock (3:24) FAST Climb. Standing the whole time, stay with the pace of the song as best you can, adding every 45s.
We R Who We R (3:25) Hover and Sprints. Transition from hovering to a seated sprint
Hover: :40 Sprint: :56-1:11
Hover: 1:44 Sprint: 2:00-2:15 Stand and Jog
Last Sprint: 2:48-3:20

Cool Down:
Let’s Stay Together (3:18)
When She Loved Me (3:05)

Hope you guys get in a great workout, and then enjoy some time with your family!

Ho, ho, ho! 🙂

Fireburning Spin

I’m really cranking it up a notch in anticipation of my Hawaiian holiday that is only a short distance away. That means that I’ve dug into my Nike Training App, downloaded a Jillian Michael’s DVD, and am seriously stacking my spin and boot camp classes.
Between Tony Horton and Jillian Michael’s… I now have their “catch phrases” on repeat in my mind.

GET SOME. BRING IT. This is EXTREME… I want to bounce a QUARTER off your BUTT.
Do I need to go to a class on how to yell weird things at my class?

I definitely like a motivational boost, but some of the phrases just make me laugh in the middle of an exercise, which apparently isn’t “extreme”. 🙂

I hope you have fun with this spin list though. My goal for the class is for everyone to keep their recovery/rest to a minimum. Do what is safe for your fitness level and health. I want people to get out of their comfort zones and get less recovery but work just as hard.

So here ya go!

Warm Up:
Dynamite (3:24)
Fireburning (4:03)

Work out
I Like the Way You Move – Outkast (3:56) Jumps/Climb: 4 counts jumps, climb from :47-1:17, 1:48-2:18, and 2:49-3:35
Only Girl in the World (3:55) Sprints and Hovers
Hover: :45-1:15 Sprint: 1:16-1:30 Hover: 2:02-2:17 Sprint: 2:17-2:32 JOG Sprint: 3:04-3:48
Walk this Way (5:18) Circuit: Climb, adding resistance every other position. Seated, Standing, Position 3 Climb, Hover
Gonna Make You Sweat (4:07) Intervals: 10s on-10s off 20s on-10s off 30s on-10s off 40s on-10s off (then back down the latter til the end)
Pump Up the Jam (5:18) Rolling Hills, build a hill for 45s, then take a quarter turn off for 15s, build again for 45s, take half turn off for 15, etc
Mr. Saxobeat (3:12) Cadence. Active recovery, and then pick a fast pace to hold for 2mins. Adding a small amount at 1min in.
Big Fat Bass (4:43) Circuit climb. Seated, Standing, Position 3 for 20s each and add tension after each full circuit
Rumour Has It (3:43) Seated/Standing Climb. Add tension, stand and push your pace on the chorus.
Hey Baby – Pit Bull (3:56) Jumps, 4 counts on versus, 2 count on chorus
My Life Would Suck Without You (3:31) Sprints 30/30/50
:40-1:08, 1:35-2:02, 2:32-3:22
Blow – Ke$ha (3:40) Sprints and Hovers
Hover: :44-1:00 Sprint: 1:00-1:16
Hover: 1:48-2:04 Sprint: 2:04-2:20
Hover: 2:44-3:00 Sprint: 3:00-3:30

Cool Down
You Make My Dreams Come True (3:07)
Virtual Insanity (3:45)

Are you kicking it up a gear getting ready for the holidays? Do you have a holiday vacation that is motivating you?

I don’t think I could ask for better motivation than Hawaii. A blissful escape from Alaska’s darkest month, and beach time? Yup, I’m ready!

30 Seconds to Mars

Last week I gave you guys a Minute to Win It Workout… well this week I thought I’d downsize the time but kick some serious butt, minimal rest, and quick transitions.

Usually when I teach boot camps we switch between the aerobics room and the field house. Today was a mandatory field house day. We needed the space and room to run. If you’re knocking this baby out at home then you can substitute with some plyo or evening just running in place. Focus on getting your heart rate up during the cardio bursts!

Formula is 3 minutes of weights, 2mins of cardio. I had a heavier set of weghts: 10lbs, and then a lighter set (for shoulder stuff): 6lbs. Higher weight is great for these since they are short bursts but focus on your form. Drop your weight if your form is compromised.

Let’s get to it!

30s for each:
Bicep Curls

Bent Rows
Squat with Figure 8 weight pass
Plank Rows
Burpees with Overhead Press (light weights)
Lunge Jumps

Cardio, 1min each:
Back Pedaling
Squat Jumps

30s each:

Chest Flys
Tricep Press
Concentric Curls (30s each side)

Squat with Arm Swings
Pelvic Thrusts with weights
Shoulder Raises

Cardio, 1min each:

High Skips
Nordic Skier

30s each:
Wide Bicep Curls
Lunges with Overhead Press
Jumping Jack with Front Punch (light weights)

Sumo Squat with Lateral Pull

Cardio, 1min each:
High Knee Run
Sprint (we did a suicide run, down and back from each goal line)

For my hour class we repeated the first two sets of weights and cardio. Then, its was time to really finish the workout, time for abs!

Abs, 30s each:
In & Outs
Bicycles (legs only)
Scissor kicks with 3s hold before switches
Side Plank with Hip Raises (each side)
Plank (hold one leg up for 15s each)

My heart definitely got pumping on the cardio bursts and by using a heavier weight for the strength circuits I knew I was challenging myself. This would be a perfect workout if you’re on your own, or grab a friend and push each other.

We’re headed into Food Heaven Holidays, I love my cinnamon rolls and gravy, so I just keep myself on track as best as possible with high intensity workouts that get great bang for the buck.

Mentality check is just maintain, don’t gain.

Have a great Wednesday!

Minute to Win It

Sometimes you have an hour to work out and sometimes you have about 20 minutes. An arsenal of versatile workouts, especially ones that are total body, are pretty much the best thing you can do for yourself.

I’m a 5 day a week workout kind of girl. I try and knock them out during the week so that weekends are prime time for hanging out with Trevor and friends. Its just a bonus if I get an extra one in 🙂 But just because I have 5 days to work out doesn’t mean every work out is created equal time wise. Some days are an hour, some are that 20min high intensity to get the job done.

So today in honor of being time conscious, here’s a workout that’s all about the MINUTE. 60 seconds of work, each exercise, and then you move on to the next. Keep it going, keep it moving, and keep your form!

*Be conscious of your fitness, what you’re safe to do, and don’t do anything that is painful.

Cardio 5 Minute Surge:
1 min Jog in place
1min Jumpe Rope
1min Quick Feet (think football!)
1min Straight Leg Kicks
1min Mountain Climbers

Weight Circuit:

1min Single Leg Lift Full Extension (switch sides at 30s)
1min Plank Walks
1min Hip/Leg Extensions (switch at 30s)
1min Leg only Superman Hold (add kicks 30s in)
1min Squat Hold with Weights
1min Walking Lunges with Weights
1min Chest flys on Fit Ball
1min Tricep Press-Tricep Kicks Backs (stand at 30s and finish with tricep Kickbaks)
1min Sumo Squats with Lateral Raise
1min Front Raises
1min Arm/Shoulder Circles
1min Sumo Squats with Lateral Raise
1min Side Plank (1min EACH SIDE!)

We started by going through the 5min cardio circuit, and then stretched out for a few minutes. Aim to complete both cardio and weight circuits twice! This is heavy on the shoulders, so lighter weights work great. Or if you want to challenge yourself go to lighter weights only when your form can’t be maintained.

Hope you’re having a good start to your week! Get some good workouts in before the sugar coma comes this weekend!!

Brutal Boot Camp

Told you guys that I went to several spin classes while I was home, but I did NOT say that I went to any boot camp classes.

I wrote myself a pass to do some cardio and spin, but take a nice hiatus from squats, burpees, and all things boot camp.

Boy did I pay the price on Wednesday.

If you think that instructors are invincible to the force that is soreness then I guess I’m a real pansy. I am still outrageously sore from Wednesday’s class. I am currently waddling, and gingerly lowering myself down when I have to sit. My legs and butt are in severe protest of movement.

So I hope that encourages you to kick some serious butt and give this a try. 🙂 The work out can be broken up for anywhere from a 15min work out, to a whole hour. The hour is ROUGH. But I know I worked to my max, and not only got in strength training but some intense cardio as well.

Be safe, find your limits and always listen to your body…. but push yourself!

Set 1:
3mins Jogging
25 regular squats (with weights, I did 15lbs)
15 push-ups
50 Jumping Jacks
High Knee Skips for 50 yards

Set 2:







25 Squat plies w/ weights
15 forward lunges (ea side)
20 leg lifts ea. side
Leg Bounding for 50 yards

Set 3:
25 Bicep Curls
25 Dips/tricep kick backs
1 min Plank

Tabata Interval:

20s sprint
10 walk

20 tuck jumps
10 walk
20 basketball shuffle
10 walk
20 squat jumps
10 walk
20 sprints
10 walk

Set 4:
5 jumping jacks, 5 push-ups (x5)
25 bent over rows
15 step back lunges (ea leg)

Grapevine for 50 yards

Set 5:
25 Overhead Presses
20 standing oblique crunches (ea. side)
25 chest flys

Repeat Tabata Interval

Ab Set:
25 Leg Throws
25 Scissor kicks
25 Crunches
25 Oblique Crunches (ea. side)
30s Side Plank with hip lips (ea. side)
1min Plank

Save the ab routine for last, and repeat other sets and cardio runs for the time you have available.

I can’t emphasize enough: STRETCH OUT after this work out. Make sure to hold each stretch and reach. The intervals teamed up with the sets will definitely leave your legs feeling wiped, so stretching will do some much needed TLC.

Have a wonderful, spectacular weekend! Trevor and I have an Oktoberfest party tomorrow, so get ready for some rockin’ Lederhosen outfits next week 🙂


Two weeks away from my normal spin routine, that’s 4 classes that I normally teach, and I was RAWRing to go last night.

I hit up my favorite gym at home and Shazam-ed songs that I liked during class. I constantly use my iPhone and this app all over the place. If I hear a song on a TV show that I think can work, I pause it and get my phone queued up so that I don’t forget it.

So between new instructors and having a wider range of radio stations to listen to, I was really excited to have a completely brand spankin’ new playlist for my first class.

After the elevation in Colorado, I thought I’d have a bit of an edge on this work out, but in the end I was a drenched sweaty, panting pansy. This is tough, but awesome….

As the weather gets colder (other places are getting colder, right? Just say yes), get inside and find a spin class that motivates you… Or print this out and push yourself! Either way, let’s do this..

I Don’t Feel Like Dancing (4:49) Flat road, get your legs moving, and do some easy stretching during the last 2 mins

Pump It (3:33) Intervals, 20s race speed (90%) effort, 10s rest. Keep this pattern going for the whole song
Now We Found Love (4:16) 4 count jumps -standing to seated for 1min, standing to hover for 1min… repeat
Grenade (3:42) Climb, turn it up and out to position three for the chorus, don’t touch the dial and sit back down for the verses
Titanium (4:05) Rolling Hills, build up a hill until :45 HOVER, turn it back down to a flat road at 1:16-1:31 and sprint it out, build up the hill again, 2:02 Hover, turn it down and sprint at 2:32-2:48, turn tension back up to an 8/10 to hover 2:48-3:10, standing jog, sprint with high tension on 3:33-4:05
Valerie – Glee Cast Version (3:35) recover for 40s, circuit track, 20s in each position, seated, standing, position three (standing climb)
Should I Stay or Should I Go (3:09) seated climb, with surges (80-90% effort) during the choruses
Paralyzer (3:25) Standing climb, add on resistance every 30s.. by the last 30s it should be really grinding, and pushing hard to keep moving
New Year’s Day (4:19) Cadence, if you have a distance moniter, track how far you can go during this +4min song. Try and stay with a consistent pace the whole way!
Jump for My Love (4:26) Jumps! Start with seated to hover jumps, then standing to hover, then standing to seated. All 4 counts, 2 counts for choruses. Enough tension must be on to stay in control!
Harder To Breathe (2:54) Circuit climb, 25s each position, and turn it up every time you move
You Make Me Feel (3:36) Hovers and sprints. Hover :40-:58, sprint :58-1:12, Hover 1:42, sprint 2:10-2:40 2:41 Hover, 2:59-3:27 sprint
Without You (3:28) circuit sprints, seated easy climb, seated sprint 1:15-1:37, Standing Climb and add tension, at 2:25 move out to position three add more tension, position three sprint 2:41-3:12, finish the song with a low and SLOW hover
My Body (4:04) SPRINTS!! 30/60/30 Add tension before each sprint to keep from bouncing. 1:00-1:28  1:58-2:58   3:28-4:00

Cool Down
Drift Away (4:16) Cool down, keep at least a 6/10 for tension on, let your heart rate come down, go through an easy circuit.
If I Ever Lose My Faith In You (4:32) take tension completely off, stretch out!

Push yourself to add the tension on… Your hills should be built gradually but each turn should make a difference in the amount of effort. Knock out those last sprints like its the end of the race and push to the finish line!!

Its great to be back in my classes and hopefully these playlists will get you moving too. I’ll be back later this week with a boot camp routine that was seriously a butt-kicker!

Have a great Wednesday!

Mix ‘n Match

Strength training has a bad rep. A lot of women think that the more weight you work out with the more you’ll bulk up. Sames-ies with protein powders.

Believe me, I feel the same way about some of the protein, muscle building, chalky crap. I also know I don’t want to look like this…

I definitely admire the mental and physical strength it takes to become these ripped creatures but I don’t pull off that dark of a tan well, and I have no will power to stop eating candy for X number of months.

But I do know and understand the importance of lifting and getting enough protein everyday.

I’m a chicken, seafood, and meat eater but not at every meal. I know that throughout my day I’m probably not consuming enough protein to keep my energy level and nutrition level happy.

Here’s how to figure out what you need: Take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2.2 to figure out your weight in kilograms. Then multiply that number by 0.8 (not very active) through 1.8 (extremely active), depending on how much exercise you get.

I calculated mine and I need somewhere between 73g-85g of protein a day. Check out this chart and article if you want some guidelines too.

Its pretty important to get that quantity met and I know I’m not pulling my weight. So I’ve gotta up my intake if I wanna keep my guns…

I take this protein supplement, and mix it into my yogurt in the morning. I’m not a big chug my protein kind of girl, and this helps mask any hint of chalky-ness.

It’s pretty low cal as far as protein supplements go (80calories for 2 scoops) and its a nice vanilla flavor, which is great for breakfast mix-ins. This one is also formulated for women, and is packed with great extras.

Some other recommended ones are the Biggest Loser Protein Powder (chocolate), and Sun Warrior Protein Powder. Try tracking your protein intake for just one normal day and see how you’re doing.

Now back to lifting… I know its intimidating to hit the weight room. The gym rats, muscle rippling, body shaving sweat box can be a little freaky. No worries! Head into the fitness room where classes take place and hit up the dumbbells. You don’t need big weights, or giant machines just two sets of dumbbells (one heavier, one lighter).

Here are a bunch of exercises that can be mixed and match based on what you want to work out for the day. I use 8lb-10lbs for my heavy sets and around 5-7lbs for lighter set (like shoulders).

Push-Ups with Knee Crunches (raise one knee to you elbow in plank position, then do the other side, then a push-up, repeat)
Leg Raises
Tricep Kickbacks
Bicep Curls
Overhead Press
Wall Squats with Stability Ball

Calve Raises on Aerobic Step
Bicycle Crunches

Dive Bombers

Tricep Press
Wide Bicep Curls (elbows pinned to side, arms out in a V)

Regular Squat with Dumbbell
Leg Throws for Abs

Chest Flys
Dead Lifts
Lunges on Aerobic Step
Arm Circles with Light Weights
Sum Squats with weight
Oblique Crunches

You can do these exercises in the sets as I listed or mix to work just your arms or just your legs. Women should lift/strength train every week! It helps with bone density, weight maintenance, and obviously strength.

Don’t worry just because you lift doesn’t mean you’ll get HUGE! 🙂

80s Baby!

Hi Friends! Hope you enjoyed the first post from my seester 🙂 Last time I was in DC she took me to Ted’s Bulletin and it was pretty awesome. Get the pop tarts!!

Keep your eyes out for more from Elyse… she’s my cosmopolitan girl, hitting up the big city and giving my culture starved self some fun stories.

Today was spin city! My usual Tuesday class was in for a little themed adventure…

Everyone knows these songs, and I thought it’d be fun to get some shweaty spinning on while we listened to some old schools beats 🙂

Get on that bike, rock a side pony, and DO IT!

Get On Your Feet -Gloria Estefan (3:40) Warm Up
Jump – Van Halen (4:01) Finishing warming up, stretch out, and go through each position on the bike. Sitting, standing jog, aggressive climb (position 3), and hover.

Start Me Up – Rolling Stones (3:32) Start the workout with a hill climb. Seated for the verses, standing for the chorus. Stand it up from: :50-1:15, 1:40-2:00, 2:22-2:40. Add resistance before each standing section.
Mony Mony – Billy Idol (5:00) Sprints! Recover for the first 40s, make sure you turn up the tension before each sprint… :40-1:00, 1:43-2:03, 2:55-3:16, 3:58-4:50
Jessie’s Girl – Rick Springfield (3:15) Cadence and Hovers. Focus on returning back to a strong pace after each hover! Hover from 0:46-1:13, 2:02-2:20
You Shook Me All Night Long – Ac/Dc (3:30)Circuit, move from each position on the bike every 30 seconds
Raspberry Beret – Prince (3:33) Jumps! Four counts from standing to sitting, and then switch to standing to hovers!
Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla Ice (4:10) Climb and Hover! Start heavier resistance 7.5/10 Stand up at :41s and Hover at :58-1:15, then sit back down with a half turn on resistance. Stand up at 2:04, Hover at 2:21-2:237, sit back down and add. Final hover at 3:10-3:31, finish the climb in the saddle with one last turn!
Livin’ On a Prayer – Bon Jovi (4:11) Sprints! 1:17-1:48, 2:23-2:56, 3:16-3:55
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson (4:54) Rolling Hills, start building the hill adding a half turn every 20s, at 1:26 take a half turn off and pick up your pace, then come back to regular pace and starting building another hill at 1:48, again adding every 20s. Take a half turn off at 2:48 and try to pick it up again using the momentum of less tension. One last hill starting at 3:06, add tension every 20s and take a full turn and a half off at 4:28 to come down fast!
What I Like About You – The Ramones (2:58) Jumps! Sitting to standing for the full 3 mins
Hungry Like a Wolf – Duran Duran (3:28) Last hill circuit. Turn it up every 30s.. make it a tough hill! Its your last one!
Sunglasses at Night – Voodoo Remix (3:13) Mini sprints! :45-1:02, 2:10-2:39
I’m Free – Kenny Loggins (3:47) Last set of SPRINTS and you’re done!! 1:17-1:48, 2:23-2:56 and the last sprint is a long one.. FLOOR IT, and get everything out of the tank! 3:16-3:55

Cool Down to Hungry Eyes and Sweetest Thing!

Challenge yourself and really add the tension on, sprint it hard, and keep pushing! You will torch some serious calories with these intervals!

Have a great night guys!

Pick Me A Project

I’m a little bit of a rut. I’ve enjoyed my summer of working out, hanging out, yard work (enjoyed is stretching the truth) and exploring a bit more of Alaska.

I’m still on the job hunt. Desperately searching for something marketing or business oriented. So in the mean time I need to stay busy.

Fall is looming. And when fall rolls into Alaska, that means the cold is biting at its heals.

SO to ward off dread, to get my butt in gear, and to do something fun, I want you all to pick a project for me. They vary from cooking, painting, or crafting. You all hold my abilities in your hand. Challenge me!


Since I live in North Pole:

Because I think I want to be an owl for Halloween:

Because my mouth waters looking at these:

Oven Roasted Blueberry Cupcakes with Chocolate Fudge Frosting

Something for my master bedroom:

Because I love s’mores:

Because I love ladybugs 🙂

Or your last option is for a friend’s nursery:

I will obviously take plenty of pictures and put the final product up for you all to evaluate and judge. I can’t promise it will be perfect but I think they’re all pretty good options!

So take a second, evaluate your options, and vote! Pick me a project please 🙂

I’ll leave voting open until FRIDAY! Then I’ll announce the winner and get to it!