Ugly things

Sometimes I love ugly things. Things that I may have judged too early, too harshly.

We all have those “unattractive” items that allow they are not aesthetically pleasing, serve such a great purpose that their looks are disregarded.

My first example of Ugly Things That I love are my Crocs:

They are not cute. They are what gardeners should wear, but not as functional shoes. But guess what, I love them.

Crocs are so easy to slip on and go. They make taking Beemer out easier. I like them. I’m sorry shoe people, they really “work” for me.

Now you can submit my name to What Not To Wear 🙂 I will happily spend $5000 shopping in NYC.

Secondly, my old sorority sweat pants. They take the term droopy butt to a new level. These sweat pants have magic powers to make anybody look like a frumpy gross mess. Again, I love them. They are seriously the most comfortable ugly pants in the world. I got them for being a sober sis at our sophomore winter formal. I usually wore them as my hung over sweats. Go figure 🙂 Now they are the best things to comfort by cold behind during the frigid Alaska winters. Sorry honey, but warmth overrides my desire to looks sexy when its -40 below.

I love things like Biore Pore strips…. no one can make those things look pretty.

I even loved this horribly tacky ladybug suitcase.  I love ladybugs with a passion, but even this pushes the limits.

Do you have ugly things that you love? A particular outfit that makes everyone cringe but warms your heart? A bag that should have been dumpster bound but somehow is your favorite one to lug around?

Please tell I’m not the only one with ugly stuff 🙂