30 Seconds to Mars

Last week I gave you guys a Minute to Win It Workout… well this week I thought I’d downsize the time but kick some serious butt, minimal rest, and quick transitions.

Usually when I teach boot camps we switch between the aerobics room and the field house. Today was a mandatory field house day. We needed the space and room to run. If you’re knocking this baby out at home then you can substitute with some plyo or evening just running in place. Focus on getting your heart rate up during the cardio bursts!

Formula is 3 minutes of weights, 2mins of cardio. I had a heavier set of weghts: 10lbs, and then a lighter set (for shoulder stuff): 6lbs. Higher weight is great for these since they are short bursts but focus on your form. Drop your weight if your form is compromised.

Let’s get to it!

30s for each:
Bicep Curls

Bent Rows
Squat with Figure 8 weight pass
Plank Rows
Burpees with Overhead Press (light weights)
Lunge Jumps

Cardio, 1min each:
Back Pedaling
Squat Jumps

30s each:

Chest Flys
Tricep Press
Concentric Curls (30s each side)

Squat with Arm Swings
Pelvic Thrusts with weights
Shoulder Raises

Cardio, 1min each:

High Skips
Nordic Skier

30s each:
Wide Bicep Curls
Lunges with Overhead Press
Jumping Jack with Front Punch (light weights)

Sumo Squat with Lateral Pull

Cardio, 1min each:
High Knee Run
Sprint (we did a suicide run, down and back from each goal line)

For my hour class we repeated the first two sets of weights and cardio. Then, its was time to really finish the workout, time for abs!

Abs, 30s each:
In & Outs
Bicycles (legs only)
Scissor kicks with 3s hold before switches
Side Plank with Hip Raises (each side)
Plank (hold one leg up for 15s each)

My heart definitely got pumping on the cardio bursts and by using a heavier weight for the strength circuits I knew I was challenging myself. This would be a perfect workout if you’re on your own, or grab a friend and push each other.

We’re headed into Food Heaven Holidays, I love my cinnamon rolls and gravy, so I just keep myself on track as best as possible with high intensity workouts that get great bang for the buck.

Mentality check is just maintain, don’t gain.

Have a great Wednesday!

Minute to Win It

Sometimes you have an hour to work out and sometimes you have about 20 minutes. An arsenal of versatile workouts, especially ones that are total body, are pretty much the best thing you can do for yourself.

I’m a 5 day a week workout kind of girl. I try and knock them out during the week so that weekends are prime time for hanging out with Trevor and friends. Its just a bonus if I get an extra one in ๐Ÿ™‚ But just because I have 5 days to work out doesn’t mean every work out is created equal time wise. Some days are an hour, some are that 20min high intensity to get the job done.

So today in honor of being time conscious, here’s a workout that’s all about the MINUTE. 60 seconds of work, each exercise, and then you move on to the next. Keep it going, keep it moving, and keep your form!

*Be conscious of your fitness, what you’re safe to do, and don’t do anything that is painful.

Cardio 5 Minute Surge:
1 min Jog in place
1min Jumpe Rope
1min Quick Feet (think football!)
1min Straight Leg Kicks
1min Mountain Climbers

Weight Circuit:

1min Single Leg Lift Full Extension (switch sides at 30s)
1min Plank Walks
1min Hip/Leg Extensions (switch at 30s)
1min Leg only Superman Hold (add kicks 30s in)
1min Squat Hold with Weights
1min Walking Lunges with Weights
1min Chest flys on Fit Ball
1min Tricep Press-Tricep Kicks Backs (stand at 30s and finish with tricep Kickbaks)
1min Sumo Squats with Lateral Raise
1min Front Raises
1min Arm/Shoulder Circles
1min Sumo Squats with Lateral Raise
1min Side Plank (1min EACH SIDE!)

We started by going through the 5min cardio circuit, and then stretched out for a few minutes. Aim to complete both cardio and weight circuits twice! This is heavy on the shoulders, so lighter weights work great. Or if you want to challenge yourself go to lighter weights only when your form can’t be maintained.

Hope you’re having a good start to your week! Get some good workouts in before the sugar coma comes this weekend!!

Brutal Boot Camp

Told you guys that I went to several spin classes while I was home, but I did NOT say that I went to any boot camp classes.

I wrote myself a pass to do some cardio and spin, but take a nice hiatus from squats, burpees, and all things boot camp.

Boy did I pay the price on Wednesday.

If you think that instructors are invincible to the force that is soreness then I guess I’m a real pansy. I am still outrageously sore from Wednesday’s class. I am currently waddling, and gingerly lowering myself down when I have to sit. My legs and butt are in severe protest of movement.

So I hope that encourages you to kick some serious butt and give this a try. ๐Ÿ™‚ The work out can be broken up for anywhere from a 15min work out, to a whole hour. The hour is ROUGH. But I know I worked to my max, and not only got in strength training but some intense cardio as well.

Be safe, find your limits and always listen to your body…. but push yourself!

Set 1:
3mins Jogging
25 regular squats (with weights, I did 15lbs)
15 push-ups
50 Jumping Jacks
High Knee Skips for 50 yards

Set 2:







25 Squat plies w/ weights
15 forward lunges (ea side)
20 leg lifts ea. side
Leg Bounding for 50 yards

Set 3:
25 Bicep Curls
25 Dips/tricep kick backs
1 min Plank

Tabata Interval:

20s sprint
10 walk

20 tuck jumps
10 walk
20 basketball shuffle
10 walk
20 squat jumps
10 walk
20 sprints
10 walk

Set 4:
5 jumping jacks, 5 push-ups (x5)
25 bent over rows
15 step back lunges (ea leg)

Grapevine for 50 yards

Set 5:
25 Overhead Presses
20 standing oblique crunches (ea. side)
25 chest flys

Repeat Tabata Interval

Ab Set:
25 Leg Throws
25 Scissor kicks
25 Crunches
25 Oblique Crunches (ea. side)
30s Side Plank with hip lips (ea. side)
1min Plank

Save the ab routine for last, and repeat other sets and cardio runs for the time you have available.

I can’t emphasize enough: STRETCH OUT after this work out. Make sure to hold each stretch and reach. The intervals teamed up with the sets will definitely leave your legs feeling wiped, so stretching will do some much needed TLC.

Have a wonderful, spectacular weekend! Trevor and I have an Oktoberfest party tomorrow, so get ready for some rockin’ Lederhosen outfits next week ๐Ÿ™‚

99 Problems

Not really.. I have very few problems.. that’s not true either. But I don’t have 99. ๐Ÿ™‚

But I do have a killer 99 style work out. Its a descending-butt-kicking-hell of a work out.

It’s awesome. There are LOTS of squats. So if your booty needs to get blasted, here it is!

99s Jumping Jacks
99 Regular crunches
99s Wall Sit
99 Leg lifts

9 Push-ups

88s Mountain Climbers
88 oblique crunches (44 each side)
88 Squats (holding dumbbell in middle of your squat)
88 Bicep Curls (if you start to wear down, switch to alternating)
8 Push-ups

77s Skiers
77 Leg throw crunches
77s Wall Sit
77 Bent Rows

7 Push-ups

66s High Knees
66 Bicycle Crunches
66 Squats with weight
66 Tricep Presses
6 Push-ups

Water Break.. Only for a min! Keep your heart rate up, and stay moving!

55s Jumping Jacks
55 Regular Crunches
55s Wall Sit
55 Leg Lifts
5 Push Ups

44s Mountain Climber
44 oblique Crunches (22ea. side)
44 Walking Lunges
44 Bicep Curls
4 Push Ups

33s Skiers
33 Leg Throw Crunches
33s Wall Sit
33 Bent Rows
3 Push Ups

22s High Knees
22 Bicycle Crunches
22 Squats with weight
22 Tricep Presses
2 Push Ups

Finish it with 1 Minute of Plank!

Burn through this workout and you’ll have done some serious squat time ๐Ÿ™‚ I felt this workout for about the last 3 days. Worth it!!

One Hund-o

As I’ve mentioned previously, I love Pinterest. So do most people. If you haven’t already, you should sign up for your next addiction. Cause what’s better than having a fun way to waste time??

I found this little baby one day while I was avoiding be productive:

I thought it’d be a great starting point for my boot camp class. But I wanted to add in more exercises so that we hit the full body and could leave feeling all over ripped ๐Ÿ™‚

So here’s the story:

Warm up:
Mountain Climbers for 60s
Jog in place for 60s
Toe Taps for 60s

Stretch out!

100 Jumping Jacks
90 Bicycle crunches
80 Squats (with 10lb weight)
70 Leg Lifts

60 bicep curls (with body bar)
50 standard crunches
40 French presses (tricep press with weight)
30 chest flies (with weight on ball)
20 Lunges (each side does 20)
10 Push-ups

Try to do this repetition 2-3 times! Challenge yourself with the weight you do, but focus on the quality of each rep. Make sure you have good form with the weight you’re using. If your form is sacrificed for a heavier weight, lighten it up and get back to the basics!

At the end finish up your work out with planks.

Side plank, each side (keep your hip nice and high)30s each side

Standard plank for 60s

Stretch out and you’ve kicked some 100 workout butt! Happy sweating ๐Ÿ™‚

Sore Sally

I am sore. My arms, legs, butt, and abs are straight up begging for me to stop moving.

Yesterday was boot camp class, and while I went into it with my usual written down class plan, I apparently had other ideas. Whoo it was a doozy. My class was amazing though. They were true troopers.

Don't worry I don't yell like this...

Here is how we kicked some major butt and made our muscles burn:

I had 12 people in my class so everyone paired up. We were out in the field house that has an indoor football field (smaller size) and some good wall space. The deal was that each set of partners would alternate between wall sits and running a lap. Hang tough for about a minute and then your partner tags you to switch to running. Its kind of fun if you have a friend there that you can mess with ๐Ÿ™‚ i.e. take a little bit longer to run your lap so that their wall sit is a smidge longer.. all in good fun right?

From there we were on the field in a lunge marathon. The class was split into two teams and they went relay style. While one person did basketball shuffles down and back on the field, the rest of the team was in the end zone lunging it out. That means that through 6 team members you’ll do lunges every time but once… My hamstrings are cringing thinking of it ๐Ÿ™‚

Why am I telling you this? Because this can easily be done with a buddy at the gym… You’ll get your quads, hamstrings, gluts, inner and outer thighs blasted fast. Believe me those shuffles are nothing to scoff at, they had my whole class huffing puffing.

Try adding this lower body work out and tell me if you are as sore as I am!