Mad About

I am currently in a deep and committed relationship with “Mad Men”. My lovely friend has allowed me to plop myself in front of her television to continue my affair weekly. I’m seriously smitten.

Have you started a love affair with a TV series? I’ve had several trysts with Friends, Gilmore Girls, Sex and the City, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, and now Mad Men. I find every year or so I delve into a TV show so deeply that I can’t help myself… I watch episode after episode, season after season. I can’t get enough.


And then its over…

Mad Men has been a really interesting show to get wrapped up in. Between the subtle foreshadowing, the clothes, the advertising, and the beat-you-over-the-head sexism, I am infatuated.

Tonight I’ll be heading over for another fix… watching as the wife of the ad exec primps her hair for his return, as the ad exec has ANOTHER whiskey…

You gotta get in on this.

Do you guys have any show addictions? Something you couldn’t stop watching?