
While in Colorado I have:

Attended two football games… One win, one loss. I had a great time at both but the flight to Seattle had plenty of WSU fans. I’m very thankful they didn’t bust out their fight song. I would have gagged.

I did some Christmas idea hunting. To make it easier in my family, we are “pinning” what we’d like for gifts on a designated Christmas board on Pinterest. This makes it a little bit easier to hunt down items. My sister and I already have my mom’s gifts knocked out… Winning!

I got my tan on 🙂 something that I didn’t get to do ALL summer! Colorado was a lovely host and served up two blissful weeks of 80 degree weather. While I didn’t darken significantly, I’ll take any UV attention as I head back to the chilly north.

I did some cooking with my BF. You can check out the recipe and more pics over at Live and Love to Eat. Claire is off on an adventure in Europe, so I had my first opportunity to guest blog 🙂

I even got some spinning in. Check out my soaked hair. I’m hoping to get some new playlists done this week and get my legs going as winter swoops in.

I had a great time seeing my family and friends, hitting football games, happy hours, and being back in my favorite state. But it’s time to head back home…

I’m ready to see this guy…


See ya soon Fairbanks!

Less Wordy Wednesday

My second week in Colorado has been a little bit more mellow. I’m trying to relax and absorb, rather than run around like a chicken with its head cut off. There are so many people I want to see and things I want to do, but it’s also nice to sit back and enjoy where I am…

Of course I’m living in a dreamland. Honestly.

Colorado has been in the 80s everyday with beautiful cloudless skies. That is not reality, especially considering its very nearly October. I mean it is OFFICIALLY fall…

Colorado is sending very mixed messages. A truckload of pumpkins, and yet I can still lay out at the pool.

These things just don’t go together! Not that I’m complaining.

In fact I just feel plain guilty because good ol’ North Pole is on its last legs of any warmth. And yes having temps in the 30s is considered warm. This will be proven when we all strip off our down coats when its a balmy zero degrees out. So while I lay at the pool, my guilt manifested itself in a new pair of winter boots.

It really is a good thing that we don’t have DSW in Fairbanks. I think it would be more of a detriment than a benefit.

But my snow boots will have to wait til Monday for the inaugural visit to Alaska. I’m certain that the snow is holding out for my imminent return. So until then, I have a few more friends to see… And a little visit to my alma mater to see a little football action!

Ruby slippers

I woke up at 4:06am today. Two bags were packed… Both meeting the requirements to be carry on.

I carefully applied my mascara so as not to scare the TSA agents. Then my lovely husband drove me to the airport before the sun was up.

Which FYI is already getting later and later…

This may not look too abnormal to those in the Lower 48 but to Alaska residents it’s a growing reminder that our precious daylight is slipping away.

It actually has/will take me the better part of the day to even fly out of the gigantic state. I have a doozy of an itinerary…
6am-6:54 Fairbanks to Anchorage
8:00-9:30 Anchorage to Juneau
1:30-4:30 Juneau to Seattle
5:30-9:40 Seattle to Denver

Yikes huh?

So here I am killing time on my +4hr layover in Juneau.

So I took a nap. Yes on the floor. My lovely travel pack from a UNITED flight long ago provided my neck pillow and eye cover. I looked like a dead body.

Knowing I had to be up at 4am, and would be traveling for around 15hrs today, I made a plan.

1. Nap whenever possible. Yes my mouth hangs open on the plane and no I don’t care.

2. Always check in early and snatch up an aisle or window seat ASAP. Everybody knows middle seats are for weenies.

3. Always bring snacks. I also packed two tortilla pb&j’s, plus my water bottle. Tiny snack packs on the flights are a joke and paying $8.50 for a bag a trail mix is bonkers. Not to mention this itty bitty airport in Juneau only has vending machines 😦

4. I have my kindle, a book, my iPod (stocked with movies and tv shows) and obviously my phone. It’ll be a long day but at least I can rotate entertainment… After-all watching toddlers torment their exhausted parents only provides so much “reality tv” to watch in the terminal.

I still have an hour to kill with apparently a delay tacking on more time… I think I’ll troll Pinterest.

I am seriously indebted to whoever created this site 🙂

Cross your fingers I make all my connections! Can’t wait for Colorado 🙂

How do you survive airports? Any favorite airports with good shops or restaurants?