Pick Me A Project

I’m a little bit of a rut. I’ve enjoyed my summer of working out, hanging out, yard work (enjoyed is stretching the truth) and exploring a bit more of Alaska.

I’m still on the job hunt. Desperately searching for something marketing or business oriented. So in the mean time I need to stay busy.

Fall is looming. And when fall rolls into Alaska, that means the cold is biting at its heals.

SO to ward off dread, to get my butt in gear, and to do something fun, I want you all to pick a project for me. They vary from cooking, painting, or crafting. You all hold my abilities in your hand. Challenge me!


Since I live in North Pole:

Because I think I want to be an owl for Halloween:

Because my mouth waters looking at these:

Oven Roasted Blueberry Cupcakes with Chocolate Fudge Frosting

Something for my master bedroom:

Because I love s’mores:

Because I love ladybugs 🙂

Or your last option is for a friend’s nursery:

I will obviously take plenty of pictures and put the final product up for you all to evaluate and judge. I can’t promise it will be perfect but I think they’re all pretty good options!

So take a second, evaluate your options, and vote! Pick me a project please 🙂

I’ll leave voting open until FRIDAY! Then I’ll announce the winner and get to it!

Allow Me to Introduce You to..


Wow. I love this site. Down to my toes love. I can spend hours on it. I DO spend hours on it. It is by far the best thing ever created to get through long lines, airport layovers, and boredom in general. Here’s the low down:

Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard.

Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.

Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.”

It essentially is an internet-blog reading-picture loving person’s dream. When I was hunting for wedding ideas I had a Word document with random pictures and ideas that I copy and pasted from the internet. It was a disaster. I never remembered where I found the pictures and it was so disorganized that it looked like a 5th grade collage.

Pinterest is inspiration boards on crack.

You can have as many boards as you want, thousands of pins, and enough eye candy to make anyone waste hours of time. Its epic.

Here’s a tip: Its an “invite” site that you have to signup for in order to create a log-in. When I requested an invite from the site via my computer I was put on some ridiculous waiting list. I hate waiting. I hate waiting without Pinterest to help pass the time. The trick is to download the Pinterest App onto your phone, and apparently your phone is the golden ticket to get into the Pinterest club. Wham, you’re part of the most addicting website ever. Suck it Facebook.

You can find my username: jtadwell and check out my pin happy boards. Here’s a little taster of things I’ve found on Pinterest: