It’s Spin Awhile

This is my last week of spin before I have some vacation time, so I’ve hunted down new music to make my class really work! If you need some new workout tunes, these are some old and new favorites…. Now go out, get in a spin class, a Jingle Bell run, or hop on the elliptical! Don’t gain, just maintain during the rest of the holidays…

Warm Up:
I Want You to Want Me – Save Ferris (3:26)
Don’t Stop – Foster the People (2:56)

DJ Us Falling in Love (3:40) Surges and Cadence: Focus on 80-90% effort for the surges, and then return to a steady, quick pace
:40-1:12, 1:44-2:16, 2:56-3:36
Enjoy the Silence (4:15) Climb
Tonight is the Night (3:10) Running Flats. Stand up, and pick up the pace for this flat run.
:48-1:04, 1:36-1:52, 2:16-3:04
Tune the Levels – Germany Mashup (4:07) Interval Ladder
10off -20sprint 10off -30sprint 10off -40sprint 10off – 30sprint 10off – 20sprint
Sunday Bloody Sunday (4:42) Climb
Blackout (3:30) Sprints
:27-:43, 1:07-1:38, 2:28-3:29
Sinnerman (4:35) Cadence. Pick a fast and a little uncomfortable pace. Hold on to that pace the whole song
On the Floor (3:51) Circuit. Rotate every 20s, adding tension every other move. Sitting, Standing, standing climb, hover.
Kiss (3:46) Cadence and then transition to the hover position for the choruses.
Kung Fu Fighting (3:35) Running Flats
:52-1:23, 1:57-2:29, 3:05-3:29
Jump That Rock (3:24) FAST Climb. Standing the whole time, stay with the pace of the song as best you can, adding every 45s.
We R Who We R (3:25) Hover and Sprints. Transition from hovering to a seated sprint
Hover: :40 Sprint: :56-1:11
Hover: 1:44 Sprint: 2:00-2:15 Stand and Jog
Last Sprint: 2:48-3:20

Cool Down:
Let’s Stay Together (3:18)
When She Loved Me (3:05)

Hope you guys get in a great workout, and then enjoy some time with your family!

Ho, ho, ho! 🙂

Fireburning Spin

I’m really cranking it up a notch in anticipation of my Hawaiian holiday that is only a short distance away. That means that I’ve dug into my Nike Training App, downloaded a Jillian Michael’s DVD, and am seriously stacking my spin and boot camp classes.
Between Tony Horton and Jillian Michael’s… I now have their “catch phrases” on repeat in my mind.

GET SOME. BRING IT. This is EXTREME… I want to bounce a QUARTER off your BUTT.
Do I need to go to a class on how to yell weird things at my class?

I definitely like a motivational boost, but some of the phrases just make me laugh in the middle of an exercise, which apparently isn’t “extreme”. 🙂

I hope you have fun with this spin list though. My goal for the class is for everyone to keep their recovery/rest to a minimum. Do what is safe for your fitness level and health. I want people to get out of their comfort zones and get less recovery but work just as hard.

So here ya go!

Warm Up:
Dynamite (3:24)
Fireburning (4:03)

Work out
I Like the Way You Move – Outkast (3:56) Jumps/Climb: 4 counts jumps, climb from :47-1:17, 1:48-2:18, and 2:49-3:35
Only Girl in the World (3:55) Sprints and Hovers
Hover: :45-1:15 Sprint: 1:16-1:30 Hover: 2:02-2:17 Sprint: 2:17-2:32 JOG Sprint: 3:04-3:48
Walk this Way (5:18) Circuit: Climb, adding resistance every other position. Seated, Standing, Position 3 Climb, Hover
Gonna Make You Sweat (4:07) Intervals: 10s on-10s off 20s on-10s off 30s on-10s off 40s on-10s off (then back down the latter til the end)
Pump Up the Jam (5:18) Rolling Hills, build a hill for 45s, then take a quarter turn off for 15s, build again for 45s, take half turn off for 15, etc
Mr. Saxobeat (3:12) Cadence. Active recovery, and then pick a fast pace to hold for 2mins. Adding a small amount at 1min in.
Big Fat Bass (4:43) Circuit climb. Seated, Standing, Position 3 for 20s each and add tension after each full circuit
Rumour Has It (3:43) Seated/Standing Climb. Add tension, stand and push your pace on the chorus.
Hey Baby – Pit Bull (3:56) Jumps, 4 counts on versus, 2 count on chorus
My Life Would Suck Without You (3:31) Sprints 30/30/50
:40-1:08, 1:35-2:02, 2:32-3:22
Blow – Ke$ha (3:40) Sprints and Hovers
Hover: :44-1:00 Sprint: 1:00-1:16
Hover: 1:48-2:04 Sprint: 2:04-2:20
Hover: 2:44-3:00 Sprint: 3:00-3:30

Cool Down
You Make My Dreams Come True (3:07)
Virtual Insanity (3:45)

Are you kicking it up a gear getting ready for the holidays? Do you have a holiday vacation that is motivating you?

I don’t think I could ask for better motivation than Hawaii. A blissful escape from Alaska’s darkest month, and beach time? Yup, I’m ready!


Two weeks away from my normal spin routine, that’s 4 classes that I normally teach, and I was RAWRing to go last night.

I hit up my favorite gym at home and Shazam-ed songs that I liked during class. I constantly use my iPhone and this app all over the place. If I hear a song on a TV show that I think can work, I pause it and get my phone queued up so that I don’t forget it.

So between new instructors and having a wider range of radio stations to listen to, I was really excited to have a completely brand spankin’ new playlist for my first class.

After the elevation in Colorado, I thought I’d have a bit of an edge on this work out, but in the end I was a drenched sweaty, panting pansy. This is tough, but awesome….

As the weather gets colder (other places are getting colder, right? Just say yes), get inside and find a spin class that motivates you… Or print this out and push yourself! Either way, let’s do this..

I Don’t Feel Like Dancing (4:49) Flat road, get your legs moving, and do some easy stretching during the last 2 mins

Pump It (3:33) Intervals, 20s race speed (90%) effort, 10s rest. Keep this pattern going for the whole song
Now We Found Love (4:16) 4 count jumps -standing to seated for 1min, standing to hover for 1min… repeat
Grenade (3:42) Climb, turn it up and out to position three for the chorus, don’t touch the dial and sit back down for the verses
Titanium (4:05) Rolling Hills, build up a hill until :45 HOVER, turn it back down to a flat road at 1:16-1:31 and sprint it out, build up the hill again, 2:02 Hover, turn it down and sprint at 2:32-2:48, turn tension back up to an 8/10 to hover 2:48-3:10, standing jog, sprint with high tension on 3:33-4:05
Valerie – Glee Cast Version (3:35) recover for 40s, circuit track, 20s in each position, seated, standing, position three (standing climb)
Should I Stay or Should I Go (3:09) seated climb, with surges (80-90% effort) during the choruses
Paralyzer (3:25) Standing climb, add on resistance every 30s.. by the last 30s it should be really grinding, and pushing hard to keep moving
New Year’s Day (4:19) Cadence, if you have a distance moniter, track how far you can go during this +4min song. Try and stay with a consistent pace the whole way!
Jump for My Love (4:26) Jumps! Start with seated to hover jumps, then standing to hover, then standing to seated. All 4 counts, 2 counts for choruses. Enough tension must be on to stay in control!
Harder To Breathe (2:54) Circuit climb, 25s each position, and turn it up every time you move
You Make Me Feel (3:36) Hovers and sprints. Hover :40-:58, sprint :58-1:12, Hover 1:42, sprint 2:10-2:40 2:41 Hover, 2:59-3:27 sprint
Without You (3:28) circuit sprints, seated easy climb, seated sprint 1:15-1:37, Standing Climb and add tension, at 2:25 move out to position three add more tension, position three sprint 2:41-3:12, finish the song with a low and SLOW hover
My Body (4:04) SPRINTS!! 30/60/30 Add tension before each sprint to keep from bouncing. 1:00-1:28  1:58-2:58   3:28-4:00

Cool Down
Drift Away (4:16) Cool down, keep at least a 6/10 for tension on, let your heart rate come down, go through an easy circuit.
If I Ever Lose My Faith In You (4:32) take tension completely off, stretch out!

Push yourself to add the tension on… Your hills should be built gradually but each turn should make a difference in the amount of effort. Knock out those last sprints like its the end of the race and push to the finish line!!

Its great to be back in my classes and hopefully these playlists will get you moving too. I’ll be back later this week with a boot camp routine that was seriously a butt-kicker!

Have a great Wednesday!


My legs have been burning this week and I can’t blame anyone but myself 🙂

It’s a nice feeling to know that if I’m sore, the people who took my class must be too. Monday was an intense day of jumping, pumping, squatting and curling.. But last night wasn’t much of a break 🙂 It was time to bring the heat and put the pedal to the metal.

Here’s this week’s spin-fest!

Need You Tonight (3:06) Warm up
Cooler Than You (3:33) Circuit run through, stretch

Rolling In The Deep (3:48) Climb
Pace pick-ups (standing) at 1:00-1:18,return to pace and seated, 1:55-2:30, HOVER,2:50-3:08, pace and sit, 3:08-3:48
Keeps Gettin’ Better (3:03) Jumps -four count
What the Hell (3:40) Sprints 25/25/35
:45-1:10, 1:55-2:20, 2:53-3:30
Gimme Sympathy (3:55) Circuit, change positions every 20s, quarter turn increases
E-Pro (3:28) Climb, Slow and steady, build a steep hill
I Like to Dance Climbs with Surges, choruses pick-up your speed, stay seated until the last surge
:51-1:06, 1:39-1:54, Standing Jog, 2:09-2:52
One More Time (3:51) Cadence, focus on a pace that is out of your comfort zone, maintainable for only a few minutes. Hovers: 1:35-2:15, 2:38-3:12 (sink down from a jog, so that you’re in a squat on the bike, upper body as still as possible)
DJ Got Us Falling In Love (3:40) Jumps and sprints, Jumps on the verses, choruses to sprint
:40-1:12, 1:44-2:17, 2:56-3:36
Bon, Bon (3:36) Keep those jumps coming!
Disease (3:40) Rolling Hills, build a quick hill and take only 1/2 turn off for the downhills. Downhills at 1:02, 1:50, and 3:15… sprint it out for about 10s and then return back to climb the next hill, steeper each time
Kissed It (4:37) Standing Climb… A MOUNTAIN. Stand the whole time and keep adding til you’re really pressing to get through the hill.
Hello (4:41) Cadence, with slight pick-ups at the chorus
Til the World Ends (3:58) Final Sprints, kick it into gear and finish it fast!
:53-1:23, 2:06-2:50, Jog, 3:23-3:58 (option on last sprint to hover out of the saddle for 20s sprinting then go to seated sprint)

Look After You (4:29) Cool Down, circuit run through slowing down
Curious George (3:02) Stretch it Out!

This is a pop mix that really kicked my butt.. By the 2nd to last song I was tired and ready to melt off the bike. But the final sprints are my favorite. Be tough, add the tension on and work it out.

Hope you enjoy it!

80s Baby!

Hi Friends! Hope you enjoyed the first post from my seester 🙂 Last time I was in DC she took me to Ted’s Bulletin and it was pretty awesome. Get the pop tarts!!

Keep your eyes out for more from Elyse… she’s my cosmopolitan girl, hitting up the big city and giving my culture starved self some fun stories.

Today was spin city! My usual Tuesday class was in for a little themed adventure…

Everyone knows these songs, and I thought it’d be fun to get some shweaty spinning on while we listened to some old schools beats 🙂

Get on that bike, rock a side pony, and DO IT!

Get On Your Feet -Gloria Estefan (3:40) Warm Up
Jump – Van Halen (4:01) Finishing warming up, stretch out, and go through each position on the bike. Sitting, standing jog, aggressive climb (position 3), and hover.

Start Me Up – Rolling Stones (3:32) Start the workout with a hill climb. Seated for the verses, standing for the chorus. Stand it up from: :50-1:15, 1:40-2:00, 2:22-2:40. Add resistance before each standing section.
Mony Mony – Billy Idol (5:00) Sprints! Recover for the first 40s, make sure you turn up the tension before each sprint… :40-1:00, 1:43-2:03, 2:55-3:16, 3:58-4:50
Jessie’s Girl – Rick Springfield (3:15) Cadence and Hovers. Focus on returning back to a strong pace after each hover! Hover from 0:46-1:13, 2:02-2:20
You Shook Me All Night Long – Ac/Dc (3:30)Circuit, move from each position on the bike every 30 seconds
Raspberry Beret – Prince (3:33) Jumps! Four counts from standing to sitting, and then switch to standing to hovers!
Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla Ice (4:10) Climb and Hover! Start heavier resistance 7.5/10 Stand up at :41s and Hover at :58-1:15, then sit back down with a half turn on resistance. Stand up at 2:04, Hover at 2:21-2:237, sit back down and add. Final hover at 3:10-3:31, finish the climb in the saddle with one last turn!
Livin’ On a Prayer – Bon Jovi (4:11) Sprints! 1:17-1:48, 2:23-2:56, 3:16-3:55
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson (4:54) Rolling Hills, start building the hill adding a half turn every 20s, at 1:26 take a half turn off and pick up your pace, then come back to regular pace and starting building another hill at 1:48, again adding every 20s. Take a half turn off at 2:48 and try to pick it up again using the momentum of less tension. One last hill starting at 3:06, add tension every 20s and take a full turn and a half off at 4:28 to come down fast!
What I Like About You – The Ramones (2:58) Jumps! Sitting to standing for the full 3 mins
Hungry Like a Wolf – Duran Duran (3:28) Last hill circuit. Turn it up every 30s.. make it a tough hill! Its your last one!
Sunglasses at Night – Voodoo Remix (3:13) Mini sprints! :45-1:02, 2:10-2:39
I’m Free – Kenny Loggins (3:47) Last set of SPRINTS and you’re done!! 1:17-1:48, 2:23-2:56 and the last sprint is a long one.. FLOOR IT, and get everything out of the tank! 3:16-3:55

Cool Down to Hungry Eyes and Sweetest Thing!

Challenge yourself and really add the tension on, sprint it hard, and keep pushing! You will torch some serious calories with these intervals!

Have a great night guys!

Spin Mojo

Last week I had a rough class. I was still sick. Still feeling rather foggy.

My class looked like they weren’t thrilled to find themselves on their bikes. They too were not looking forward to an hour of work.

I wanted to rally them. To bring their spirits up and have a great class.

But it didn’t work. Between my clogged head, some really cloudy gross Alaska weather, and their not so pumped attitudes we all had a blah day. I lost my spin mojo.

Tuesday though, I was on a mission. I needed my spin mojo back. I needed a confidence booster, to feel like my instructor glow was still going strong.

This mix brought my mojo back hard. I got that “je ne sais quoi” back 🙂

Warm Up:
Trouble Maker (3:58)
Rumour Has It (3:43)

Spider Webs(4:28) Sprints 15/30/60, get off the start line fast, have around a 7/10 resistance on where it feels like a little gravel is under your tires so that when you take off you can really push into the pedals :45-:58, 1:29-1:55, 2:36-3:44

Every Tear is a Waterfall (4:03) Rolling hills, don’t take it all off to sprint down, only take about a 1/2 turn off to come down a little of the hill. Turn it up 3 times every 20s, and then 1/2 turn for downhill.. repeat for the song

Til the World Ends (3:58) Jumps, switch between regular up/downs, with up/hovers

Edge of Glory (5:21) Climb/Sprints 30/30/60s Put your tension up to 8/10, like you’re in the middle of a hill already, then get ready to take off for sprints in between climbing, 1:04-1:34, 2:28-2:58, and 4:02-5:02

Where Them Girls At (3:15) Cadence track, focus on keeping a consistent pace, faster than your comfort zone, only maintainable for the 3 mins!

Bon Bon(3:36) Jumps

Crushcrushcrush (3:09) flat road with surges (surges are 80-90% of your max effort, sprint is all out 100%) :45-1:05, 1:45-1:59, Hover from 1:59-2:14, surge at 2:27-3:06

Fireburning(4:03) You’ve got four minute to really focus on pace. Pick something faster, not comfortable. You’ll really have to push to maintain it for the whole song

Rocketeer(3:31) Climb. Seated and out in position three climbing. Every 30s turn it a half turn. On the last minute make them big turns, make it steep and challenge yourself for the last 60s

Black Horse & a Cherry Tree (2:56) Have a little fun with this one and every time you here the “woohoo” change positions. Moving from seated, to jogging, to position three climbing. Push your pace for these intervals whatever position you are on the bike :45-1:05, 1:47-2:04, 2:31-2:50. Its an active listening/biking challenge!

Numb/Encore (3:25) Climb!! Last hill! Start out at a 7.5/10. By the end get about as close to 9.5 as you can. Its a slow slog but you’re almost done!

On The Floor(3:51) Last song, last set of sprints! Moving from regular seated, to a hover (jack up your tension) to sprints(take about half the tension you added off)
Hover at 1:22 Move down to sprint at 1:40-1:55
Hover at 2:32 Move out to sprint at 2:50-3:05
Last sprint at 3:25-3:45 ALL OUT!!

Cool Down:
I Try (2:56)
Angel (3:57)

A hard core hour of nothing but spinning. I got my mojo back.

Sweet Sweat

Sometimes you gotta go to the gym and kick your own butt. Sometimes you go to the gym and literally have to grit your teeth to finish a work out. Some days are the best work out and you leave feeling purged of all that junk that hangs over us. Other days you can walk out feeling like you just did you work out duty and that’s it.

No more work out blues I say! No more!

Whenever I’m debating the gym because I’m: tired, irritated, grumpy, lazy, busy, etc, etc I always put on my gym clothes and give myself a few more minutes to think.

“If I go to the gym now I’ll be able to watch FRIENDS…mmm I love that show. Ok I’ll go.”

“If I go to the gym now I’ll feel better, get my endorphins pumping and get more energy.’

“If I go to the gym I won’t feel like a giant booger for sitting on the couch and I will have accomplished something today!”

There are very few times when I’ve gone to the gym and regretted it. Obviously if I’m getting sick or am so overwhelmed, sometimes it’s literally not worth it. Most times though, I need the work out. I need the time to myself, the routine following, the energy and happy-factor that I get. I need that gym glow.

So if you’re in a gym rut, you need something new to encourage you, or it’s just time for a challenge, here is a work out that can be done on the elliptical, the treadmill, or the bike. You are responsible for challenging yourself! Turn up the resistance, make the incline bigger, but do what you can for your fitness.

Warm up tracks:

Get Down on It (4:57) and I’m Free (3:47)

Pon de Replay (3:33) Start your work out with a mini interval set of resistance. Try and challenge yourself to go 30 seconds at a harder resistance or incline, and then 30 seconds back to a “flat road” level.

Spider Webs (4:29) Sprint track: 15s/30s/60s  Make sure before each interval you turn up the resistance a bit more to make sure that you’re in control and safe! Sprint :45-:58, back to normal pace, sprint 1:24-1:55 and back to pace, last sprint hold on to your fast pace as long as you can from 2:36-3:44.

When I Get You Alone (3:37) This is a cadence track which just means you can set your machine to a resistance that is just above the flat road, a little bit more challenging. I think of it as having a head wind that I’m running into, or gravel under my tires. Focus on your pace the entire song, trying to keep a faster than comfortable pace. One that you would only want to maintain for a few minutes.

Hey Ya (4:11) Rolling Hills. Every 20 seconds try turning up your resistance until you’re really slogging through, working really hard to keep moving, then slowly take off resistance until you’re back on a flat road. Use momentum from your legs as you take more resistance off to build some speed. Then build it back up again one more time.

Walkin on the Moon (4:03) A hill climb the whole song! Really use every minute to build up a strong hill. Turn up your resistance every 30s and see how much you can push yourself to the top

Raise Your Glass (3:23) Sprint song! 25s/30s/45s. Sprint with a bit more resistance than a flat road. :39-1:03, 1:34-2:06, and 2:30-3:18

Cool down: Don’t Lie and Outta My Head

Hopefully this helps you get a good work out, and maybe be a good challenge? I hope so!

I’ll try to put the playlist on my Ping account with iTunes! Let me know if you have questions or are looking for something specific workout wise!

Give It a Chance

I was a one machine girl. I was dedicated to my elliptical routine. Through college and my first year of real adulthood I hit the elliptical like clockwork everyday. As I worked up to a steady pace at a relatively comfortable resistance of eight, I went into cruise mode. Friends, or The Ellen Show, or even better Teen Mom would entertain me as I went through the motions. I felt I was doing both my workout duty for the day, boosting my endorphins and getting my standard TV time.

It was not challenging.

Its wonderful when working out is so engrained in my day that I literally don’t even think about skipping the gym. I am proud of myself for that dedication, for staying the course. But how much can you really get out of a workout that never changes. Frankly the pace wasn’t even hard.

I tried spinning/cycling.. whatever you call it.

I was a bike hater. The seats are uncomfortable, the outfits are dorky, and people always looked so SWEATY after they came out of the class. Gross. After my elliptical workout I was only “dewy” or “glistening”… it was a very cute sweaty. But my best friend is very persuasive and knows how to convince me to suck it up and do something. Plus I love her and will usually play along as long as she’s with me 🙂

So into the cycling studio I went. Week after week I went back for me, more of a challenge, more sweaty struggling… I loved it. Give it a chance I say. Challenge yourself. Try something new. Go sweat more, breath harder, and leave feeling like you gave 100% to a workout. It will make you feel like you’ve conquered the world.

Here is a spin mix and class outline that I did in the last week. It’s up to you how hard you make the bike’s resistance, and its up to you to keep challenging yourself. Try a spin class and see what you’re capable of!

“I Gotta Feeling” (4:40) Black Eyed Peas– Warm up with low tension on the bike. Try standing up and jogging, out in a sprint position (channel your inner Lance Armstrong) and do some light stretches for arms, shoulders, and lower back.

“E-Pro” (3:28) Beck– First hill climb of the day. Start the tension at a 7 on a scale of 1-10 (a 6 should feel like a flat road, a 4 is zero resistance and your legs just follow the pedals.. got it?). Every 30-45s try and increase the tension by a quarter turn. By the last 30 seconds of the song you should be slogging through the hill… really pushing the pedals to keep going

“Forget You” (3:44) Cee Lo– Cadence track. This song is all about keeping a fast strong pace. Put the tension at about a 6.5-7.. enough tension that with a quick pace you feel in control and you’re not bouncing around in the bike seat. Push yourself to keep up, quick, fast legs. You would only want to keep this pace for about 3 mins… then hold on for that last 45s. You can do!

“Poker Face” (3:57) Lady Gaga– Another hill but this time you’re going to alternate between sitting  aggressive standing climb (in cycling its called position three where you have you hands the farthest out on the handle bars, low body position, and you’re attacking the hill). Again start at the 7 resistance and turn it up every 30s, quarter turns. At 2 minutes go to a standing jog for a 20 second break.. then go back at it. Every time you turn up the resistance switch from seated to standing or vice versa.

“California Girls” (3:56) Katy Perry– Sprints!! Pick a strong pace that will be your home base pace, then when you hit the sprints turn up the tension a smidge and really go for it. All out power! Three sprints for about 35s each. Sprint :50-1:25, back to base pace, Sprint 1:55-2:30, base pace, Sprint 3:20-3:56! Give it all you got and sprint it through the entire interval!

Put Your Hands Up” (2:28)- Circuit climb. 20s in each position; seated, jogging, attacking. Turn it up after each go round.

“Chelsea Dagger” (3:23)– Jumps. Go from seated to standing for 8 counts, then 4 counts, then up/down quickly for 2 counts. Make sure you have enough tension on to be safe and in control.

“Love Lockdown” (4:30) Kanye West- Hill Climb. It’s a slow, slow beat so turn up the tension and get in your groove with the song. When the music picks up try and pick up your pace. Shoot for a 8-8.5 tension on the bike and leave it there. Focus on our pace and really pushing and pulling the pedals.

“Hollaback Girl” (3:20) Gwen Stefani- Surges, unlike sprints, are not all out speed. Shoot instead for a bout 80-90% effort, still nice and fast but not everything you’ve got. On this song you have 15s surges, so pick it up and stay focused only one song left. :22-:38,  base pace, 1:15-1:30, base pace, 2:05-2:20, base pace, 2:58-3:15

“This is How a Heart Breaks” (3:51) Rob Thomas– Sprints! Time to go all out and cross the finish line: Sprints :45-1:01, base pace, Sprint 1:32-1:53, base pace in a standing jog, last sprint you should be in the attack position, nice and low like Lance Armstrong 2:35-3:30… LONG last sprint, hang on as long as you can and sprint it out!!

“Someone Like You” Adele– Cool down. Slow your pace, take the resistance off and spin for a minute or two to let your heart rate come down. Recover and then stretch out!

Cardio Camp

As I’ve mentioned before I am a self proclaimed cardio junkie. It’s my go to workout almost everyday. When my heart is pumping and I find the rhythm to my pace, I get in a serious zone. That being said this summer has been a total switch up to my routine.

I was very committed for my first winter in Alaska that I would hold true to my 5 days a week workout. I did it ALL winter. Check that 9 month beast out. Bravo me. But it was a rather Nancy of a showing. I hit the elliptical for almost everyday I was at the gym. I cued up the TV on the machine to Ellen and plugged away in zombie mode. Very little challenge, very little intensity. Fail. I also RARELY did weights. I’d throw in the occasional 15-20min session but it was a sad showing.

Game changer was in March. I started teaching spin and hit up the Muscle Pump class once a week. Slowly I evolved. Now I am currently teaching two boot camp classes and two spin classes a week. My butt is working itself off. Its awesome. I have four guaranteed workouts and they are ALL different. Yay challenges!

So what I’m really getting to is…. Here is a cardio boot camp class that my class and I conquered recently. Most exercises can be done sans weights but if you have some dumb bells around GRAB THEM. You can do this stuff at home or at the gym. My heart gets a beating and I start a sweating, and its great. Hope you get your work out on too!

Warm Up!

1min high knee jogs
1min jump rope
1min skier jumps (Ice skater hops)
1min jumping jacks
*light stretch for 2mins*

Work It Out
1min prisoner squats

1min Side Step Squats (30s ea. side)

1min Single Leg Deadlifts (1min ea. leg)

1min In-Out Bicep Curl (curl normally, then curl with arms angled out)

1min Tricep French Press (if you don’t have weights grab a water bottle!)

1min Crab Walk

1min Mountain Climbers

1min Lunges

20 Push-ups

Repeat at least TWICE!

Core Work:

1min Toe Touches

1min Basic Crunch

1min Side Plank (ea. side)

1min Plank

Cardio is worked in without it being a running class. I find that after the warm up I’m already starting to sweat. This kind of thing gets my heart going in a very different way than machines do and I feel like a champ afterward. Give it a shot, work out, and don’t quit! It’s only for a minute and you can move on!!

Check this playlist out if you need some get your work out on encouragement:

Throw Back Spinning

I teach a spin class once a week right now and I’m committed to making new playlists each week. I give tons of credit to because this lady has allowed THIS newbie to get some confidence as a new instructor. She has a giant library of songs that conveniently I have a lot of the same of. She gives each song a purpose and helps drive the riders to go after it. I’m slowly starting to forage my own path and pick songs she doesn’t have. Its been a huge comfort though to be able to check out a pro’s blog and get not only direction, but a great foundation for a killer work out. This playlist was for my first class over a month ago; hopefully you’ll get a great workout and leave feeling slightly worn out but that it was very much worth it!


Warm Up

Start Me Up:

Medium tension, about a 7 on a flat road

Bring it up on Grown Man Cry **50 secs—up quarter notch

Sit it down at 1:15

Bring it up Grown Man Cry **1:40-quarter not up, push the pace

Sit down at 2:00

Grown Man Cry 2:22 notch up and out of the saddle

Stay up, another notch at 2:40

Hold on to it, (minute standing)

Mony Mony

There’s a nice 40-50 second recovery period between each sprint,

so when you go, you should go all out– race day pace!


Seated pace

Stand at 28

Race at 40-1:00

Seated pace 1:02

Stand at 1:30

Race at 1:43-2:03

Seated pace at 2:05

Stand at 2:45

Race at 2:55, hold on til 3:17

Sit at 3:16

Stand 3:45

Race at 3:58, hold it for the last minute

Jessie’s Girl

Take your speed up 10% at each chorus

Take it back down to a 6, get ready for the surges

Turn it up to 7 at (0:22 – 0:45)

Speed thru chorus

Back to pace and turn it up to a 7.5

1:00 speed chorus, hold on for double chorus til 1:40

30 sec normal, then at 2:16 – 3:14 chorus speed til end

You Shook Me All Night Long

Slow build, start at a 6.5

30 sec, turn it up to a 7

1:01 Stand up

1:16 sit down, turn it up 7.5

1:47 Stand up, hold it 30 secs up

2:20 sit it down, turn it up 8

2:50 Stand it up,

Last 40 second give it speed and don’t touch the dial

Raspberry Beret (UP downs)

7 Flat road, catch breath

24secs in demo up down tempo

4 up, 4 down

55 sec Chorus 2 up, 2 down

Sit down at 1:15 “looovvee her” turn it up

4 count up down

1:50 2 count up downs

Sit down at 2:12 “loovvee herr” turn it up

4 Count up downs

2:46 2 count up downs

Slow down and turn it down at 3:10

Ice Ice Baby

Back to a 6

41 sec up to a 7

58 sec Stand up and slow pace

Sit it back down 1:15

1:31 notch up

2:04 notch up

2:21 Stand up and slow pace

2:37 sit back down

3:10 Stand and slow pace

3:31 sit it down, notch up

3:57 stand it up and ride the hill out

You Make My Dreams Come True

Back to a 6 flat road

Now take it to a pace that you can maintain but is challenging

1min turn it up

2min turn it up

3min turn it up

Make it all about your cadence, try and keep the same pace the whole song

Billie Jean

Start building your hill, just at the base, feel about a 7

1:13 stand it up, turn it up to a standing 7…

1:26 Speed standing hill

1:48 sit back down, don’t touch the dial

2:32 Stand it up, turn it to a standing 8

2:48 speed it up, standing hill

3:06 keep standing, keep your speed

3:28 sit it down, don’t touch the dial

4:20 if you need to stand to push though, last 30 secs

Sunglasses At Night (Debateable)

Flatten out back to a 6

Get your legs rolling

45 sec sprint

1:02 back to pace

2:10 sprint

2:39 back to pace

What I like About You


4 count ups, 4 count downs

36 secs, 2 counts

47 sec, 4 counts

1min 2 counts

1:18 8 count up downs

1:48 4 count up downs

2:06 2 count up downs

2:36 4 count up downs

Hungry Like the Wolf

(3:42): Okay, take the tension to 4/10, get up off the saddle, and find the beat. Increase the tension every 60 seconds until you’re at the max you can handle and still keep the beat.

Take On Me

Flat road, we’re gonna finish the work out with some quick sprints.

Give it everything you’ve got, it’s the last 4 mins

37 add some wind

52 speed it up

1:15 back to pace

1:31 speed it up

1:55 back to pace

2:13 turn it up a little, keep your pace

2:51 speed it up, hold to it for a long speed ramp

3:20 sprint for ten secs

Slow it down, ready for cool down



Lengthy post but hopefully you can pull together the play list and print this out to kick your butt on the bike!